Who are we?

Fountain of Mercy

We are a UK registered charitable organisation dedicated to improving the lives of others around the world with a lot of our work focusing on children and families.

Orphan Sponsorship

Be part of something amazing and sponsor an orphan.

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Ramadhan 2024

Make a difference now during this blessed month of Ramadhan when our rewards are multiplied many fold.

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Masaajid Projects

Build your house in Jannah by taking part in our Masjid building projects.

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Emergency Relief

We have people on the ground where it really matters ensuring that your donations reach the needy directly.

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Feed a hungry child this Ramadan

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We’ve helped thousands of Muslims around the world


Family investments in Gambia


Hot meals served in Bangladesh


Students enrolled in schools

See our current appeals

Masaajid Projects Orphan Sponsorship
Ramadhan 2023

Stories of the Sahabah (RA)

View our YouTube series

Ramadhan 2023 Day 18
Sayyiduna Uthmaan Ibn Affaan (RA)
Part 5

Ramadhan 2023 Day 17
Sayyiduna Uthmaan Ibn Affaan (RA)
Part 4

Ramadhan 2023 Day 16
Sayyiduna Uthmaan Ibn Affaan (RA)
Part 3

Ramadhan 2023 Day 15
Sayyiduna Uthmaan Ibn Affaan (RA)
Part 2